Creating and managing private offers

The following sections describe how to create and manage private offers.


Starting a new private offer

Use the following process to create an offer and generate an offer ID using the CreateOffer API change request. It creates a blank offer in a draft state.

To start creating a new private offer
  1. Sign into the AWS Marketplace Management Portal , and choose Offers.
  2. On the Offers page, choose Create offer.
  3. On the Create offer page, choose the product type and the product you want to create your private offer from. Processing will take up to 30 seconds. Don't close or refresh the page during this process.

You won't be able to change the product type and product after the offer is created. For more specific information on private offers per product type, see Supported product types. If you're an AWS Marketplace Channel Partner, choose whether you're creating an offer for your own product or an AWS Marketplace Channel Partner private offer (CPPO) from a resale authorization. If it's a CPPO, choose the independent software vendor (ISV), product, and authorization.

Understanding offer statuses

Offers have one of three statuses depending on the lifecycle:


After the offer is accepted, it will show up as an agreement in the Agreements tab. The status of the offer won't change.

Drafting and publishing the private offer

Use the following process to draft and publish your private offer.

To draft and publish your private offer
  1. On the Provide offer information page, provide the offer name, offer details, renewal type, and offer expiration date. If this is a renewal offer, you must choose either Existing Customer on AWS Marketplace for renewals intended to renew an existing agreement created on AWS Marketplace, or Existing Customer Moving to AWS Marketplace for renewals intended to migrate your existing customer to AWS Marketplace.

The offer expiration date is the date that the offer becomes null and void. After 23:59:59 UTC on this date, the buyer won't be able to view and accept this private offer.


The offer will be published and extended only if the request succeeds. If the request fails, it won’t be extended to the customer. A failure means there was either a system error or an error you’ll need to correct before resubmitting.

The following guides provide more information about creating private offers for specific products.

The following video explains more about creating a SaaS contract private offer.

Sending a private offer to a buyer

After the private offer has been published, buyers can view it by navigating to the Available private offers tab on the Private offers page in the AWS Marketplace Management Portal. On the Available private offers tab, the buyer can see offers extended by AWS Marketplace Channel Partners in the Seller of record column. The independent software vendor (ISV) will display in the Publisher column. A buyer can navigate to a private offer by choosing the appropriate Offer ID in their offers list.

Buyers can view offer IDs that have been accepted or that have expired on the Accepted or expired offers tab.

After the private offer has been published, you can send your buyer a URL to the fulfillment page for the offer.

To send private offer to your buyer
  1. Sign into the AWS Marketplace Management Portal , and choose Offers.
  2. Select the radio button next to the offer.
  3. Choose Actions and then Copy Offer URL.
  4. Send the URL to your buyer.

Saving your private offer progress

Use the follow pricess to save your progress and resume later.

To save and resume your work
  1. At any completed step, choose Save and exit. In the dialog box, confirm that you're saving the content in a draft state and review any validation errors. If there are any validation errors or missing details, you can choose Fix it to go to the step and resolve the issue. When you're ready, choose Save and exit to save your changes. After you save and exit, the request is under review while it's processing. It could take a few minutes or hours to finish processing. You can't continue the steps or make changes until the request has succeeded. After the request has succeeded, you have completed the save. If the request fails, there was either a system error or an error you'll need to correct before resubmitting.
  2. To resume working on your offer, open the Offers page, choose your offer, and then choose Resume offer creation.
  3. When you're finished, you can choose either Save and exit to save your progress or Create offer to publish and extend the private offer to your selected buyers.

Updating the expiration of a private offer

Use the following process to update the expiration date of a private offer.

To update the expiration date of a private offer
  1. Sign into the AWS Marketplace Management Portal , and choose Offers.
  2. On the Offers page, choose the offer you want to update.
  3. Choose Edit.
  4. Provide a new offer expiration date.
  5. Choose Submit. After the update is complete, the offer will change to an Active status and your buyer can accept the offer.

Cancelling a private offer

Use the following process to cancel the private offer.

  1. Sign into the AWS Marketplace Management Portal , and choose Offers.
  2. On the Offers page, choose the offer you want to update.

Cancelling the offer will modify the offer expiration date, so the offer will display as expired for buyers who were extended this offer.